12 June 2009

Target Women

Last night was on iChat with my very good friend Emily, and we were watching numerous clips from the Current TV's Infomania segment, Target Women.  For anyone interested in women's rights and a feminist view on our current media, these 3-4 minute clips are perfect for you!

I absolutely adore Sarah Haskins.  She's is an excellent comedienne and a very dedicated feminist in a society where we are beginning to see some backlash against feminism.  She deserves so much more recognition for her work and she is a very personal heroine of mine (this is coming from someone who doesn't have many!).

I could go on and on about how wonderful Target Women and Sarah Haskins are, but there are no better words than to actually see a few of my favorite clips!  Unfortunately, Blogger isn't the greatest when it comes to having videos on a blog page.  So please click the links below for my favorite clips and ENJOY!

These are just a FEW!  Keep searching on YouTube and you will find them all!  Each one is amazing and I am absolutely in love with the segment!  I literally want to have Sarah Haskin's babies, no doubt! ha ha

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